THRIVE provides quality, affordable recovery and wellness resources for individuals, families, and organizations seeking help for today and hope for tomorrow. THRIVE provides these resources through customized Recovery Coaching, Groups, Training, and Collaborating. Each THRIVE resource is personalized to meet our clients needs right where they are and provides a pathway to a lifetime of wellness.
Where you are today…
At THRIVE, we know what it’s like to need help in a time of crisis, whether that need is about addictions, relationship issues, or simply hitting a significant crossroad in life. In the midst of these challenges and changes, we often feel alone and without the resources to survive, much less thrive. Hope can often seem difficult to find. And it is in these most difficult, scary and confusing situations and relationships that THRIVE’s recovery knowledge and wisdom processes can provide the support you need and the change you desire.
With THRIVE you do NOT have to face your situation alone and you do NOT have to go through it without the resources you need!
Where you want to go…
At THRIVE, we have a deep belief that the best kind of recovery can be more than getting through a crisis, maintaining sobriety, or navigating a crossroad. As important as those are, we know that there is so much more in store for each of us. And we have found that often it is that crisis in life we got through or those crossroads of change we walked out that can spur us on to seeking a new way of doing life…a deeper, richer way. So, in addition to helping our clients address their immediate needs, our resources are designed to assist them in developing a lifestyle of wellness.
Don’t waste the pain and struggle that brought you into the recovery process. Instead, let us help you build the awareness and change you’ve experienced into a beautifully powerful life!